Last week I did a really fun photoshoot with independent recording artist Miriam Clancy. I did her hair for her first album, so it really fun being able to work on her second album and do something totally different. We started the day at Miriams house and while she was having her makeup done, I layered some Redken Instant Polishing Prep and Redken For men Bulk Up on her slightly damp hair, twisted it into a loose top knot and secured with a coupld of U-pins to set while Make artist supremo Shirley Ann Simpson did her thing and I had a piece of toast. Once we got to the first location (which was just nextdoor) i let it down and gave it a good run through with my fingers. I wanted a loose natural looking texture with soft flyaways so I ran my hand against the natural fall of the hair to make it a little more flyaway. We then went to Stebbing studio to shoo in their recording studio. From there, it was out west to Huia Dam for a shot, then down to Whatipu lodge for a few more shots. The last couple of shots was at dark out at Huia up on a hill overlooking the Manukau harbour. Cindy Kavanagh (used to be Wilson) was the photographer (and in case you're wondering, she is my wife) and it was her first shoot on her new Canon 5D2 digital camera which was fun. It was so great to see her shooting again after a five year hiatus, and she still has the eye that always made her work so magical.